Understanding in Prayer ( Pemahaman Ketika Shalat )

Ass. Wr. Wb. "Walaa Taqrobush-Sholaata WaAntum Sukkaron, Hatta Ta'lamu Taquuluuna Maa", meaning the All-Knowing Allah: "Do you approach prayer, suppose you are all drunk, so you all know what you all ucapankan", let us underline "Knowing" , if the above sentence turns raikai:

1). When the prayer must understand the meaning of each sentence that is spoken and how,

2). If we do not mind missing persons depicted mengetahinya (Mabok), he does not mengetahi what he said.

3). Guidance for the Muslim / at must mengetahinya if it does not understand the meaning of compulsory education / ask who knows.

4). Him human:
a). Tahfid (Storage Power talar think something without writing according to necessity, where the hearts and brains),
b). Qiroat (Reading about something by using evidence of writing / text, its place in the oral),
c). Samiyah (Kemampuhan the intellect in the hearing, his place in the ear),
d). Muwajjahah (Kemampuhan pengoprasian all senses).
e). And others.

5). As for the rest of knowledge:
a). Fissudur (hearts),
b). Filkutub (Ditulisan),
c). Fil-Udzun (ear),
d). Fil-Natural (Expenses of the earth) no matter what happens because of natural changes, e). Jami'il-fil-A'dho (All Members of the Body), such as tofu and other bitter taste because of tongue, tofu and other forms because of the eye, out cold and others because of skin, and the other holding out for the hand, and each other as well as examples one.

6). Pathogenesis know (because the know) can see setaus before.

Well now clear to us his name people understand / know no difference between the inner and outer fit the evidence. Thus, not hypocrites, imperfect, wicked, idolatrous and apostate.

Let tela'ah how sound our hearts with all members of our body?, Universe? And other creatures? If the response is different to other people here that we learn to better understand ourselves!.

What will bepikir Qobliyah (Before the prayer), Afaliyah (Again prayer) and Ba'diyah (After the prayer)?

Are we peraktekan when oral reading "Alloohu Akbar", the hands follow the upward movement, the eye could see the bow, holding ears of the hearing in addition to reading, the body stood at attention, facing the Qiblah, bertaqorrub hearts to the Creator, liver ditambahnya interpret readings and feel, feel ajrih, clean dress modestly and cover other private parts?

Are we doing Mandatory Terms, Conditions and rukunnya Shah proper and orderly manner and avoid the cancel it? Not that that will be first judged on the Day of Resurrection? Let us worship the same study, may Allah meneremianya. Aamiin!.

Plead with the willingness and resignation, true prayer is hard except for those khusu? Is it as deep a sense of heart to see Allah, if not should believe that Allah sees us? Is the thought that Hell Wel for those who neglect prayer and want to be seen makhkuk (not due to Allah)? Let's Learn!.

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