The Evidence (Hal Bukti)


1. Data (written evidence to explain something), examples of bio data name, address, age, and others.

2. Photo (Picture something, good shape, condition and color of the face / looks from the front) is a picture of the evidence, so that any form of proof applied research in the world, though not apart from the form data as a statement, the photo is needed.

3. Signature (Written proof oretan someone's hand),

4. Fingerprint (Exhibit images of each palm of one's fingers),

5. Radar Online, including mobile phones, LAN Internet, ID Cart, Email and others,

6. The shape is exactly the person, and indeed he was, but a special duty in the field of verification. And many more are concerned with it.

As our neighbors alert each other, must not give it to anyone. Any evidence for use with either insha Allah there is no problem, but safeguards for things that are not good / annoying, should be maintained and in priority!

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