Do not feel weird for the fact different from each other even if one instance (Jangan heran jika melihat sesuatu dengan lainnya berbeda)

Do not feel weird for the fact different from each other even if one instance, a term roughly one hole, one womb, siblings and others, but make it is a blessing. Let's examine the contemplation of the creation of Allah SWT including;

Bamboo Tree:

1. Bamboo trees in one place he grew up along with his brother either small, medium, large, short, tall, and nothing is straight all, with husnudzon perhaps because of the wind, perhaps because nature, munkin because of the small or the other possibility, though the same but as if their lives with each other either body, its direction and the other is different, but bamboo does not hate each other, not mutually despised, not killing each other, running each aja life.

My brother! "Laallakum Ta'lamuun, Ta'qiluuun, Tadzakkarun, Tafkuruun, Yarsyuduuun, Taskuruuun", meaning all-knowing Allah: "That you all know, all of reason, all of dhikr, all thinking, all of them clever and everything give thanks", must be i'tibar (good example) for us all: We are in one family (We, Brother, Brother, Dad, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa, etc.) will not be equal to one another, good body condition, although a similar but not identical, hole to the disparate, high / short, large / small, good / bad, thought patterns, behavior, behavior, intentions, and everything is different, Why do we let alone among the others with his own relatives are not neat, mutual envy, mutual hate, and even kill each other, diperebutkannya inheritance, that one there is progress and the imposition of reverse each other down. Qobil and Abel seemed to be back, do not you explain Islam; "Kal Jasadil Wahid", as one body tetkala one member of the other members feel the pain. Let's learn our family!.

No less a saudarah much different because of the fortune the world earning a welcoming, even though we are poor with you not to shy to bersillaturrahmi, what more if we had never hurts to help our own brothers. What might we controlled anger or lust Satanic run and rojongan Jin or fellow man that is not good we do. There may now be said Bodo bodo ma'dur? ... when explanations are many, many sources facilitate this, a variety of services menjebataninya, we attempted to go live and do it!. May we awake the various evil family and always with the good. Aamiin!.

2. When benefits are not all taken, we dispose of leaves, only a fraction is used as a tool store DUPI foods (foods in which the typical Sundanese rice, triangular), because if it is considered bad segment each of us do not wear it (made in torches and burn apai ).

Was thinking about the benefits of us ?.... flesh and bones as well as all our body parts to animals that are on the ground? ... Let's see when the transfer of graves; Living bones are there, nothing is dead meat. If still alive people do not sell meat on sale, even if there is an assassin and even then not the reason but the other alternative meats, face tanpan / beautiful that we are proud of, we hand make a fist, with persistence because keberania, benefits the eyes see, ears hear, taste the atmosphere of the skin , mouth taste aroma, beautiful lips, nose, tall body, the body bergulai short, everything about the business entity, whether dohir or inner, plus outside affairs, fine clothes, nice, neat, stylish, bermode, trendy, modern, quality, class prices, guaranteed quality, recognized the world, Vehicles all have, money, effort undertaken, global income (from inside to outside the state and various negada / all states), shares everywhere and other things. Is it all so warranty ?..... It turned out it was all depraved ?......

Perhaps we live in different circumstances, both Handsome / Ordinary, Beauty / Ordinary, Rich / Poor, Pinter / stupid, liberal / Narrow, Youth / Parents, Health / Hospital, boss / subordinate, and other things about the differences, of these only morality or the behavior of each one!, Les't deepened again the circumstances of each!.

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Understanding in Prayer ( Pemahaman Ketika Shalat )

Ass. Wr. Wb. "Walaa Taqrobush-Sholaata WaAntum Sukkaron, Hatta Ta'lamu Taquuluuna Maa", meaning the All-Knowing Allah: "Do you approach prayer, suppose you are all drunk, so you all know what you all ucapankan", let us underline "Knowing" , if the above sentence turns raikai:

1). When the prayer must understand the meaning of each sentence that is spoken and how,

2). If we do not mind missing persons depicted mengetahinya (Mabok), he does not mengetahi what he said.

3). Guidance for the Muslim / at must mengetahinya if it does not understand the meaning of compulsory education / ask who knows.

4). Him human:
a). Tahfid (Storage Power talar think something without writing according to necessity, where the hearts and brains),
b). Qiroat (Reading about something by using evidence of writing / text, its place in the oral),
c). Samiyah (Kemampuhan the intellect in the hearing, his place in the ear),
d). Muwajjahah (Kemampuhan pengoprasian all senses).
e). And others.

5). As for the rest of knowledge:
a). Fissudur (hearts),
b). Filkutub (Ditulisan),
c). Fil-Udzun (ear),
d). Fil-Natural (Expenses of the earth) no matter what happens because of natural changes, e). Jami'il-fil-A'dho (All Members of the Body), such as tofu and other bitter taste because of tongue, tofu and other forms because of the eye, out cold and others because of skin, and the other holding out for the hand, and each other as well as examples one.

6). Pathogenesis know (because the know) can see setaus before.

Well now clear to us his name people understand / know no difference between the inner and outer fit the evidence. Thus, not hypocrites, imperfect, wicked, idolatrous and apostate.

Let tela'ah how sound our hearts with all members of our body?, Universe? And other creatures? If the response is different to other people here that we learn to better understand ourselves!.

What will bepikir Qobliyah (Before the prayer), Afaliyah (Again prayer) and Ba'diyah (After the prayer)?

Are we peraktekan when oral reading "Alloohu Akbar", the hands follow the upward movement, the eye could see the bow, holding ears of the hearing in addition to reading, the body stood at attention, facing the Qiblah, bertaqorrub hearts to the Creator, liver ditambahnya interpret readings and feel, feel ajrih, clean dress modestly and cover other private parts?

Are we doing Mandatory Terms, Conditions and rukunnya Shah proper and orderly manner and avoid the cancel it? Not that that will be first judged on the Day of Resurrection? Let us worship the same study, may Allah meneremianya. Aamiin!.

Plead with the willingness and resignation, true prayer is hard except for those khusu? Is it as deep a sense of heart to see Allah, if not should believe that Allah sees us? Is the thought that Hell Wel for those who neglect prayer and want to be seen makhkuk (not due to Allah)? Let's Learn!.

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Someone Value (Nilai Seseorang)

One thing not free trial / test / temptation / whatever punishment but is considered reasonable as there is no problem with the word "Lucky", except the death of a person is considered good / no problems with any other human relationship, for example:
1. Someone has died but his life time do not like either of the rights of others, then the people said: "Luckily the A dead, if not, not going to secure this village",
2. Already know the collision, vehicle forfeited, gone, the people in the hospital, people still say: "Good people do not die / life is saved",
3. Dignity was removed, said: "Luckily removed, if not his cape, benefits not exist",
4. And other examples though trials, torture, exams and other forms. Try to why the man is often a lot of benefit? Of course the answer depends a lot happened.

What is essentially:
1). Verily Allah forgiveness Tawbah still provides an opportunity for people who back him are still alive and there is no forgiveness Tawbah after death.
2). What a sin death of a person if there is a correlation with the evil creatures.
3. How valuable a human life if used in goodness, and otherwise not worth someone's life when all his life doing something bad.
Obviously any dependent behavior we are, let's think alike!.

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Intellect born power benefits (Berfikir Untuk Hal Yang Bermanfaat)

Ass. Wb. Wb. Excess Humans are born with their use Intellect born power benefits (kemampun to understand something), in the language of the Qur'an: "Laallakum Yatafakkaruuna", meaning the All-Knowing Allah: "In order for you all to think it all", meaning lugot: our levels use our brains to comprehend and understand something.

Occurrence if we receive any. Essentially all of Allah.

The form:
1). Tafkir Ilhami (understand something without giving any reason to know) thought directly from Allah SWT ", the example we have not learned how jima (insert action parji dzakar to / received from dzakar cunt with because legally married), style and his actions do not learn, or suddenly we could think something that was totally incomprehensible and others.
2). Fikir Sirry (Understanding something is never given out by other people for trying to follow the continuity pointer), example: We do not know a blog, we try tetpi diblog continue to follow the rules, can understand it like this, and for this, if you want to appear there is a rotating photograph continuously try / peraktek, oh this must be put and the other, with no teacher but there are no clues, we can do it.
3. Fikir Dzikri (Understanding sesuati because there are givers know), understands A since been told that this is A and so on.
4. Tafkir Adati (Understanding anything for certain things and ordinary kelaku), such as playing ball with berfikirnya Spectators Players, each one has a sense of why is not this or that and more.
4. Fikir Ghasr: a flash of thought without thinking of the other side with good reason, thought patterns cramped, perfunctory,
5). Aqshal fikr: The principle idea being considered by others. Giving rise to maturity, prudence, discipline, based on science and faith. And many others. Mumkin Fikir expensive and a lot of self, beyond self and the universe and its contents.

Limitation fikir: A little bit and hit Khoto, nisyan (wrong and forget) depending on the care and use. The more widely used with the orderly and dawwam, more pemahman / understanding, more and more stored and lupanya wrong.

Mentasarupkan Fikir with Reality: accepted by finding intrinsic reasons diharuskannya. Examples of why yes morning prayers two rak'ahs and four-rak'ah prayer evening? By staying implement tasyoruf!.

Let us Paki fikir power to achieve the benefits of the next world!

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Message parents towards their children (Pesan Orang Tua Terhadap Anaknya)

Ass. Wr. Wb. Message parents towards their children: "My son!: If one day you'll be great;
1). So people do not become another creature,
2). If you ditipi science (knowledge / understanding sesuat), be one who understands, because not everyone is knowledgeable understand the science, but if someone understands he must have knowledgeable.
3). Act due to Allah, if the underlying act for Allah because creatures.
4). If you do not have a deposit you become an expert science learning, listening, reading and menela'ah and loves science.

REMEMBER CHILDREN MY SON!; Puddle of tears and evidence of ignorance as parents who must take care of everything, waiting for the rest of tingal age, diminished ability, memories gone, the power dissipated, so four with glass eyes, the way cane, less ear heard, the brain less he thought, like a carving over the water, go left ear many out-right or vice versa, is often mistakenly say, not many copotnya pasih because the teeth, lots of white hair, live flesh bones, and other things, the lack of a state of imperfect!. Be a righteous child you later / at, because with your help prayer-prayer, the prayer will continue to be good for me O my children!. Hi brother!. Could we be so? Let us take advantage of any state in the goodness!.

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The nexus of science fellow (Perhubungan dengan sesama)

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Human generality of the law / judgment: "Wahkum Bidlowaahiri, walaa Tahkum bissarooir", meaning: "lawless / determined by the apparent / obvious, and do it with a non visible", here the opinion of an expert on the nexus of science fellow: "Maa Undzur Yaquulu , walaa tandur Man Qoola "means:" See ye what she's saying / writing, do not see who it is ",

1). Message Rosululloh SAW: Khudzil-Ilma Wa Lau Min-Bahaaim Fahmil: "Take science even from the mouths of animals",
2). Although Bissiin Utlubul-Ilma, "Learn to science even in the State of China",
3). Appropriate / what is the Shari'a,
4). Abil is good according to syarit, as well as reject and stay away if outside the Shari'a,
5). Do it for Allah.
6). And other levels.

REMEMBER: changing from bad / absence taqdir Allah, effort and laksananya our right, would not changing what is inside each one!. Endeavor from Bad to Good, from the polytheists Munaafiq Kaafir to Tawheed, from Bodo to Learn to Understand Understand, from Sin to Repentance, from Kufr to Thanksgiving, from Hasud to Musawwa (along thoat as a creature), and other changes should we venture!.

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Cause Damaged People (Sebab Keruksakan Manusia)

"Walaa Tulquu Aidiakum Ilattahlukati", meaning the All-Knowing Allah: "And do not lean (Give yourself to decree anything) you all to keruksakan", here I want to underscore that keruksakan, meaning origin: "Damaged", meaning umumi: "Any change something Another origin without legal basis qayyid acceptable shari'ah ', so that changed the traditional sense and become corrupted (changed origin), both Ajamiyah (Desire Heart), Iqtishodiyah (Intent / Objectives Liver), Lafdiyah (Works), Qouliyah (Speech), Afaliyah (Works), Haliyah (Amended behavior, condition, status and other), Iftikoriyah (Mind), Ismaiyah (Hearing), Nadhoriyah (Vision), Asasiyah (Feelings), Muwahhadah (Alone), Muta'addadiyah (Berbilangan / More than one ), and The Others, good thing, matter, form, place, there, time, and others, bilaa keruksakan required will cause us away, beware with Ikhtiyat (careful not to fall into it), rejected by Mutaroddiyah (Pratingkah refusal to we are not included therein), and other pertingkah. As for who like changing / Damage: everything other than Allah.

Al-Musyabbab (Cause) Damaged people:
1). Got ILANG Intellect Intellect as, for example, his sleep, just drunk, gambling alone, and others,
2). Healthy again like a pain, for example do not like sick people,
3). Longer live like the Dead, set examples of what other people do not use the benefits of living,
4). Again like the Rich Poor, eg wasteful and others,
5). Again like the Poor Rich, for example: Bahil (leftovers), Car lot but if left on foot, but if there is a luxury mattress ditikar sleep, and no Utilizing his life and others.
6). Younger age, such as the Old Criminally, the small-bank ngerampog, learn to crime and others.
7). Old people, young people behaved in the evil rich.
8). Busy free time such as time, example: later ah Prayer when he was just playing the Internet, and others.
9). Busy as morbidly relaxing with his knowledge, in fact many examples of work and then finally allowed to pass-throe were superior, and others.
10). Do not with science,
11). Leaving Liver Disease: ujub, envy, hasud, riya, arrogant, sum'ah, act as creatures because Allah and not based on other,
12). One's own happiness does not think that it is from Allah and no rights of his creatures,
13). Sad is not returned to menaqdirnya and thinking tests, trials and sins and changed kelebih good,
14). Have children are not educated true religious knowledge,
15). And much more kelasifikasi well as examples of the damage.

REMEMBER brother!: If only that were examined in keruksakan furu'iyah bottomless usuliyah. Maybe just furu 'which we know!. Let us examine for charity should!.

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If you all want to count the favors of Allah (Menghitung Nikmat)

"Wain Taudduu Ni'matalloohi Tuhsuha Laa", meaning the All-Knowing Allah: "If you all want to count the favors of Allah, aka could not count them (So many)", meaning mufrodiyah (units of words) Taudduu = count ye = sentence ficil Mudhori, Jama Mukotob Mudzakar Salim (Taudduuna), entered please In: So should throw far end of the sentence (Taudduuna) kelimat kayid in science shorof changed into (Wain Taudduu), the original meaning has been Adda = Calculated, to ficil Mudhori Goibnya Yauddu ,

1. Sentence, at least in the decomposition of lafdiyah mufrodiyah (verb unit in Arabic could be a ten (10) mengertian different intents and purposes),
example: It has been counting:
1. His time counting,
2. Way of counting,
3. The person,
4. Calculators,
5. Place of counting,
6. Arithmetical,
7. The occurrence,
8. Why is computed,
9. Reached / absence,
1o. And others, there are still many kelasifikasinya, see Science Tashrif

And we learn its meaning in, we need the concept of corridors think fit, to broad interpretation, explanation, description, purpose and meaning that will be achieved. Why? We describe (explain something in detail / detail with no out of necessity),
Meaning example:
1. Objectives / Purpose numeracy,
2. People counters,
3. Witnesses counted,
4. Evidence count,
5. Keafsahan (right / wrong) count,
6. Calculating benefits,
7. And others.

Well my brother: I happened to catapult all of this that we all learn about and interpret any action from us about something based on his knowledge, perhaps not all of them up but we must try to solve it in order to realize the meaning of meaning,

Description Laa: Laa Tuhshuha in, "Even using advanced technology tools, genius, the world modernization stuck and can not count the blessings of Allah Almighty".
How we feel: "Admit all of Allah even for any creature," Should merasakanya: "
For Mu'min Muttaqin certainly feel and mandatory ", what does it feel?" All the evidence ourselves and the universe in fact ",
With what sense? "With Faith (faith and its fruit), science (knowledge), charity ikhls (do good because Allah alone), skilled (it makes sense to optimize berfaidah), and linkage with either sasama continue to be pursued with ajas because of Allah.
Is to think or to count blessings of Allah? Must!.
1. To feel all of Allah.
2. To be able to wear and suitable memanfaakannya necessity,
3. Keeping non-taxable idolaters, fasid, hasud, hypocritical, shirk, apostasy and disgrace dzunub and Other Things.

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Be careful with the time (Hati-Hati Dengan Waktu)

"Azwaajan", meaning Allah is aware of: "paired-mate / partner", there is some interpretation added a "contradictory". mufrodiyahnya certainly possible meanings tend to its original meaning, but in understanding the language more broadly in terms Ma'aani Science (science that studies the meaning of the sentence) is certainly more widespread if we dig kedasarnya.

Almighty Allah who has created everything in pairs, dim'nai anything to the contrary, among the forms of the sentence:

(1). Sentence Mukhosis Talajum (certain necessity)
example: Heaven / Earth, Heaven / Hell, Male / Female, Male / Female, Day / Night, Good / Poor, Poor / Rich, On / Off, Health / Hospital, On / Off, Light / Dark, Motion / Mute, Open / Close, Hot / Cold, Right / Left, Up / Down, Young / Old, Busy / Casual, Far / Near, Front / Rear, Forward / Reverse, Clever / Stupid, Moving / Mute, and other examples.

(2). Sentence Goir Mukhosis (Not Sure),
example, Eat / No Eat, Drink / No Drinking, Seeing / Not Seeing, Working / Not Working, Praying / No Prayer, Zakat / No Zakat, Fasting / Not fasting, Hajj / not fulfill, and other examples,

(3). And other forms of sentence.

Of the many existing life on earth that Azwaajan (pairs) only five are considered sufficient to complement its entirety:
1. Your life before your death comes,
2. Poor riches before you came,
3. Your youth before your parents come,
4. Your health comes before your pain and,
5. Free mu mu Busy time before it comes,

REMEMBER: 5 X 2 = 10, ten (10) this position will come to us, and we again experienced even one of the Ten (10) of five (5) was, among others;
- (-After Life),
- (-Again Rich for the Rich / Poor-More for the Poor),
- (Young Again-for the young / old-More for the Old),
- (-More Healthy for a Healthy /-More Pain for the Sick),
- (-More flexibility for the free /-for the Busy Busy Again).

Now back kediri each!, Whatever we wear, the Shari'a has been clear picture ... Thorikat as are many ... The nature and grasping prove buahkan ma'rifat!. Prompts clearly devoted, as was proved thanks!.

Whatever we learn the actual piety, grateful as they are, and confess the truth and mutual respect with each other, insha Allah, may reach the afterlife are all happy. Aamiin!

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How To Submit (Cara Menyampaikan)

If we give Khobariyah (News) should be diperhati delivery to another person, as a result are not careful in telling the story according to his knowledge, no news sediki not qualified, does not match reality, the lack of evidence, even dihujjat or opposed, it might happen- things that are not in want, for what? Mismatch with what is published on the reality and the lack of accountability of the news giver.

Islam born in the Science section of Science Bayan Balagoh about Akhbariyah, good shape, meaning, content, manner, place, time, objec, mood and actions taken, for a specific purpose so that the meaning tecapainya sipemberita not take long to explain, the story feels quite what penyimak it receives, do not invite questions and answers as satisfied with what he received.

Associated kelimatnya: kalam / tulsan / oral tam (perfect) created Lafad, Murokab, Mufid and Wadho. Insha Allah acceptable reader / others. But if what we say can still kelimat not be understood, not arranged neatly by the rules, until no one understood, begs the question, what else does not match reality, will invite goir beneficiaries (out of compliance), may not be recognized by people.

Let us learn how we make things any news, and understand the news people!. Why? Because that is before us a lot of disparate kemampuhan, there is already know / otherwise, there is an easy to accept / the contrary, anyone ever experience it / reverse and various other circumstances.

Try Akhbariyah (news), whether oral, written and other kepahami by all of them, of course, insha Allah, and others, the receipt!. Sorry the previous example: generality write letters a, or A, is replaced by our number four (4), as the inscription: "Same" so "54m4" kepaham course only to people who know, it seems the model but its meaning, necessity and the receipt is not feasible , there is no ban, but less difaham people!.

That's an example Khobariyah, yet the meaning of content and other new thinkers to understand the writing has to be the recipient!. Is that correct? Please see for yourself!, All our actions will mungdang any responses to others, with the caution we reduce unwanted things, not for the benefit of others, back to ourselves each!.

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Everything Has Its Right (Segala Sesuatu Memiliki Haknya)

We would be easier to use or any act against something if his own right, "Likulli Syai'in Hakkun" means: "For all things / things are right (which is required to treatment if it relates to something), for feasibility, capacity, power, its benefits, its sustainability, its appropriateness, and ad and for his other actions.

Examples of wear clothing when dealing with a mahram / ​​outside the mahram. The right clothing for our use nicely (politely, shut the genitalia, clean, tidy) so as not to cause shame and slander people and the impact of its beneficiaries (no matter when you take / use it), we wash if soiled with soap and fragrance to clean and smell delicious, the place we hang his bright, clean or use dryers so fast that it could be utilized, we are so neat and eliminates iron bacteria disease, setting her with his neat for easy retrieval, grouping them on the part of each order not confused when needed, to love carp (a tool preservatives and perfumes as well as refraining from destructive interference) in order not to rapid deterioration when stored for a long time and other measures, of course with us prove the right clothes can be seen from the benefits of living an orderly, neat, clean, and not so ugly people guncingan and intentions.

Try if we do not exercise their right to wear!. Sure life does not irregular, wrinkled, looking more confused and perhaps the views of others. Let us prove equally any rights so that we can nikmti keberlangsung beauty of life, peaceful and safe for ourselves!. How good we are doing thanks to what we are now, if not we are doing it, then who else? Let's learn!.

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Concept of Entrepreneur (Konsep Pengusaha)

A businessman with his clever he opened a new company / branch of the subject, apply their knowledge to the preparatory steps:

1). Modalan,
2). location,
3). Management Method,
4). And a variety of ways for success in studying it,

REMEMBER: All of that was not enough if only designed and prepared without implementation!, So that the

5. Conducted in accordance Prosodur (operational guidelines with evidence of having running of the company).

To employers on the profit / loss uncommon (only Allah who gave him) as a welcoming and fortune with a maximum oftimal does.

Let's welcome with good fortune!. Hopefully with the way we achieved the promise of Allah thankful add!.

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Use Reasonable Best (Menggunakan Akal Sebaik Mungkin)

Almighty Allah who has given the fortune and the means to welcome, for example: Chicken feet for mengoreh welcoming dikasihNya fortune, gave the bird can fly with wings for driving directions kesetiap welcome fortune, gave the reason to welcome the man his fortune. Do we know / do not, Allah has given everything!,

We should have attempted to train / educate the mind and use it, by thinking find them all!. Do not let our minds bodo / do not let her capitalize on our mistakes, silence him and destroy it with any variety of capabilities to ilangnya our thinking power.

No picture of healthy people have no sense, but if we are healthy behavior is rich people who have no sense must ask where the harm? ... Before we blame the person / reasonable because the person / but we should not blame anyone, ask yourself? With our strong second Blame the Parent, the reason for not schooled, tok a lot of rich people not in fact completed his primary school, because he used his wits!. Is that correct? What more if we are ever sent to school, in where his wits!. Let tela'ah everything!.

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Keep Learning (Terus Belajar)

If we know the extent of water in coconuts, with difficulty opening it using the tools and techniques (ways) for the water, though the coconut much, of course, obtained only coconut water only, while the water in the earth so much, including:

1. Mahalli water (which had melted liquid contained in something specific place) examples of which exist in the coconut water, water dihewan milk, human milk and others.

2. water wells (water coming out from under the ground because we make a well),

3. Water Juice (Water produced from a variety of feelings, both fruits (oranges, grapes, and others), animal (milk / urine),

4. Rain Water (Water that falls from the sky),

5. Water Dew (fluid found The third morning disela2 plants),

6. Water Fountain (Water that comes out of the ground naturally shaped),

7. Water Insani (Various water released human or human-made mixtures) such as urine, saliva / saliva, breast milk, semen, blood, Asir, Pepsi, Sprite, Coca-cola, chemicals, sea water and other fresh transformed,

8. Water Mountain (water coming out from between the roots of timber on each mountain),

9. Water crater (Water out due to a burst of mountain),

10. Seawater (in sea water),

11. And Other Water.

As many as you i'tibar water is used and taken advantage as possible, examples I'tibar; Only Almighty Allah Alim: " One of the Messenger of Allah Almighty Allah likened to trust his knowledge of the tail like a bird, he grabbed and drank water in the ocean ", so much and can not be counted / dihiting / no limit at last, was the messenger of Allah, what else we are no nothing , want What was the cocky? ... Remember!, The world's no cover science .......

Come learn together!.

Another example: "Do not have enough with the existing knowledge or science, the science required to look up the affairs, the affairs of the world looking down, keep learning, even if it bit by bit, bukankankah obliged to seek knowledge from our birth to death (in the grave)!.

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Language (Bahasa)

Meaning of the junction between the fellow very much, including:

1. Spoken language (junction through speech) terlahirnya various languages ​​of the world different, Subhaanallooh!.

2. Language Writing (spelling hookup script which can be understood by each), as a replacement, reinforcement and continuation of oral.

3. Sign Language (all who dikelarkan with anggahota behavior that has its own meaning, for example: Wink eyes of a male to female or a friend has a different meaning. Women in potonya berisyarat round thumb with index finger together to make a circle O, showed he still own / have not got a husband / boyfriend and other contoh2. menggunak a'doil Sign language with khowas (tool often used for something dibadan us, could with the hand: bertelunjuk, mengepalkanya and others, can goggle kedipnya / absence, until there is a song: "blinking eye", the head of NOD / absence, and other anggahota. Also there is a special gesture language made orang2 shown that do'if (weak) due to disease or congenital oral qudrat.

4. Language behavior: (a person's behavior can connote tesendiri) , example: "Every meet the A longer hold his head", can mean confusion or thinkers hold that is not kesampaikan. Person A continues back and forth to the toilet, the sign anymore pain. Seeing someone else cry, sad sign lg. The philosopher of science: "Whatever we do can contain its own meaning dihadagan others ", spitting, coughing, dehem and others, as well as other contoh2.

5. Language Huruj Min Qowaid (non-significant linkage with the words, spoken or gesture and behavior but it can make people change), examples of a variety of sounds make us change like: tiba2 hear people laugh at night when the lonely, so scared. Hearing loss can be carried by the music changes, both to the rhythm / hate for the music and not like other examples. Although the science bilagah: language many kelasifikasinya: there is a parrot (obviously) / His opponent (not clear), Maknawiyah (meaning, intent and purpose), Bade (Parable), Arud (Hymns), Istiqof, Maqulat and others. Well what about us? Learn Yu to keep our language is not arbitrary in front of anyone!. Here the picture he sent Rosululloh SAW morality. Let's raise more practice!.

When connected with other creatures, need to be studied:

6. Language Animals (anything released by animals like the sound of chicken, goats, dogs and other animals. Subhaanalloh!. If it can not be understood so that we better know and understand something clearly and many of the benefits.

7. Language objects (things that happen to objects), for example: we use the motor, the more fun life, suddenly dead in the street, the sign for food / abis gasoline / are damaged and other things. More and more schools of the benefits!

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The Evidence (Hal Bukti)


1. Data (written evidence to explain something), examples of bio data name, address, age, and others.

2. Photo (Picture something, good shape, condition and color of the face / looks from the front) is a picture of the evidence, so that any form of proof applied research in the world, though not apart from the form data as a statement, the photo is needed.

3. Signature (Written proof oretan someone's hand),

4. Fingerprint (Exhibit images of each palm of one's fingers),

5. Radar Online, including mobile phones, LAN Internet, ID Cart, Email and others,

6. The shape is exactly the person, and indeed he was, but a special duty in the field of verification. And many more are concerned with it.

As our neighbors alert each other, must not give it to anyone. Any evidence for use with either insha Allah there is no problem, but safeguards for things that are not good / annoying, should be maintained and in priority!

Do not complain (Jangan Mengeluh)

Who never complained in welcoming fortune is goir natiq animals, because humans include Hayawan natiq (voice), birds did not complain when it set off every morning, which brought only a small cache, return to the nest in the afternoon, tomorrow morning set out again, so each day.

I'tibar and meditation to other creatures, tafakkaruu FII FII kholkillaahi walaa tafakkaruu dzaatillahi!

Limitation Ability (Keterbatasan Kemampuan)

Ability to measure levels of creature has its limits (the end point of helplessness) in all respects, including:

1. Form (compounds set something collected into one part that can not be separated) changing-obah existence, from small, young, old, broken, cracked and others.

2. Time (time goes by ability); With the age limit or the strength to survive and others, an example with the age or otherwise, even if now we are in power, just waiting for us when no power, while life waiting to die.

3. Size; (Power load, distance and capable), heavy power, mileage, power of thought, motion step, sight, hearing, taste and others.

4. And other restrictions.

Let us learn ourselves, so we do not takabbur (Arrogant, big head, felt most in everything), good connection with the creature or kholik (Allah SWT).

Together Forever

Before the merge of course immediately wanted to unite, even if everything is cooked within, but a sense of mutual togetherness preformance maintain trust within their respective positions really necessary adjustments Based on maturity, maturity, confidence, relationships and deliver on their respective rights, why is that? No less than marriage is only a toy, after marriage, divorce became targets. REMEMBER: "It halal but hate Allah is divorce", proves togetherness harmony within the home is the right of each husband / wife, do not let it fall apart because of ill households confronted with the truth and togetherness. Demands of living were targeted, if ill we face so what? By the power of faith, prayer requests, implementing a variety of fruit of faith / Islam and continually strive to increase safeguards for the common good is sustainable.

After the Good, Bad Anymore

The term says: "Animals Dogs do not forget the smell of human shit", where the smell was always in his nose, this parable in lean to someone who does bad, then he is doing good, after that act ugly again. when returning to the ugliness depicted defecating dog does not forget. Is it true ?.... Let us ask ourselves each!.

Repent (bertaubat)

Back again from bad to good, from the sinners are to thoat, from bahil to berehan, from polytheistic to monotheistic, called Repentance. Rough example: "We want to position in Bandung to Jakarta, ride buses, more basic bungung Solo majors rose, fell asleep on the bus / forget, ingat2 ​​been up to Solo, if we will certainly be back to Jakarta to Bandung and Jakarta rose majors. Meaning towards the back there who benar2 Department of Jakarta called Repentance, In the language of interpretation: "No I (Allah SWT) created Jinn and man except to worship me", see the position of intentions and behaviors we do not worship, so if we worship dianamakan Repentance. proving the Prophet Muhammad SAW clear just who is forgiveness; He did not loose a day and night 100 x read istigfar, are we ?....... Let's multiply istifar!.

Expert opinion studies, about Repentance:
1. Daily repentance: a five-time prayers,
2. Repentance Weekly: Prayer Friday,
3. Annual repentance: Lent Romadlan, give charity Fitrah and Mal if it nisab and Performing Hajj, it was all command instead of repenting ?.... jinsiyah contents commands repentance, (there are readings and other Robbigfirlii). Let us worship our discipline in everything!.

Do not put off until later to do good / repentance if it is old, or if the later is almost dead, dead set our rich, multiply istigfar!, Would perform Hajj later wrote back to Indonesia fear of sinning again for example, Example, If you eat of course yg consumables dirty dishes, then washed and if you want to eat again stay put, do not you nice clean, did not immediately reply example: you have a vehicle car, walked 10 miles until arriving ujan at 30 km, continue to rain s / d 60 km, continue to rain subsides, from 60 km to the destination, the driver said to you; "boss: Wash your car once dong, let me not dirty". Your words: "Do not dech'll also raining again", may your words as true but 100% Patal and wrong, why? ... because you do not need a clean and comfortable vision. Nearly already nyampai, said the driver; "Boss: Eat first? Nich ... I'm hungry", you said: "Yes!, Stop and eat first," Arriving at home eating, regular boss ngambil first dish, nasi ngambil tiba2 fitting time driver nyeletuk; "The boss: do not eat, if it has been disposed of, will also hungry again", saying the wrong driver because he was morbidly seolah2 need to eat, when he said to reply to your words, when he said: "Do not dech'll also raining again" = "Bos : do not eat, if it is removed, will also hungry again ", the parable we repent and keep reading istigfar. hopefully there is a silver lining!.

Between Plans and Reality

Often what we want, design, shape little by little, using the calculation and management along with motivation and laksananya terkontor but ultimately different from reality, Have you ever experienced it ?.... little by little we learn: "Nothing happened to His servants, but to capitalize on it could be worship and a lesson to us".
Maybe our mistakes? Possible clue for us? Possible test for us? Torment possible for us? If everything is meditation / lucid thought out insha Allah, increase everything!.


Is it true happiness / contentment in money? I once asked the people of Indonesia, producing billions of entrepreneurs in the Hajj season in Makkah, pilgrims both from housing, catering, shops and cargo, I was laughing when he says: "No, happiness is not in money, happiness when I throw shit while smoking" , he's saying for sure, the money I can from here out when I was to Indonesia. Beautiful wife ... He said: No, my wife is now the world died, in office ... He said: no, now my post stop, in treasure? .. He said: no, my treasure-anaku contested child now. Apparently there are no guarantees!, How about we ?...... with what we are thankful, there where we achieve happiness!. Source of happiness is in rido Allah SWT.

Have a Certain Character

In everything there is right (and ethical norms that make the determination, he said, actions, behaviors related to it for our use by the rules), such as a spoon to eat, we use the tool helper for small food arrival / watery mouth of, how-life orderly, do kebali or incorrect entry, it is also seen from the large or small spoon, small spoon if yes for small children or the goods right size for a small spoon ngaduk rich coffee, milk, seasoning food, etc.. After we washed it and keep wearing a special place for us to easily when needed again.

REMEMBER: Do not reply so the size of a spoon, but the pattern of orderly, neat, clean, environmentally friendly and courteous and respect others for our own rights and welfare of all. Insha Allah, no harm intended Worship, may be a good value for everything!.

The temptation after another, multi-layered barrier, attacks from all directions, with Idzin Allah and that strength is in us we are opposed to all, may we all resolved to be good value and dignity ridhoNya!. Aamiin!.

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Superior quality

Superior quality is a personal motto of desire over the years, both in the work environment, family environment and the assemblies of dhikr or assemblies fikir. Actually not too far-fetched, the desire to achieve something that is superior and also the quality is a dynamic human nature. Anyone who is aware of the importance of life's struggle to achieve the ultimate satisfaction, would have been familiar with the motto of "superior quality".

Just to add insight, something that superior quality is characterized as follows:
1) Have the privilege,
2) Have more value (added value),
3) Can be enjoyed by many parties,
4) Recognized by the opponent and friend,
5) Does not lead to arrogance,
6) Tend to earn more than the existing so far,
7) Increase self-awareness,
8) Adds the power of faith in the Almighty power of God.

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Establish a Friend:

Establish a Friend:

The power of God; "The situation in the world, another piece of this, that and the other who is different, both patterns, shapes, colors, types and variety of races, tribes, and other peninsula, not only know each other except for one with more". Thaks for Google provides an opportunity for you!. You can chat and get to know the common language there in the world, the trick is here!, Let's learn!. Let's find out how click here.

Act with sincerity

"Belief without knowledge has not been fitted, says the fool (Tawheed Awwam), who argue there is an empty, science without charity like a fruitless tree (كالشجر بلا ثمر / ة), without a sincere charity like so ill-picked fruit (can not be taken advantage) "probably from all that we do so much for being other than God, and not because of God. I hope so and good science. Come learn sincere!

May we all not very smart, but do not understand, "All the schools sure are smart, but not all that smart to understand", close in our example the corrupt, he is clever but does not understand the rules of halal and haram, may be input for all

Our Goals Together

"Reached happy afterlife in yearning by all human beings", not just to our wishes, but by the Shari'a, should we ask every time (supplication) to Allah Almighty and seek the maximum according to the rules taqwa (Implement all He commands and avoid what is forbidden), REMEMBER: "Know happy or not, depending on the gratitude that is in each one, feeling like no limits, but with gratitude to enjoy it," Let's all try our goal!

Behave Well

"Elephant trunk dead leaves, dead leaves tiger dies leaves its color and human services," Have we as human beings deserving?. Heroes (اللهم اغفرلهم) after meritorious with State + Nation, are we?. What we forget the daily battle with the passions of anger?. Much we contributed to others, most we don't have contributed to myself. REMEMBER: "Man did not take his flesh, but his behavior". The angel is not always true, one is always not Satan, Let us carry out the truth wherever located!.