Be careful with the time (Hati-Hati Dengan Waktu)

"Azwaajan", meaning Allah is aware of: "paired-mate / partner", there is some interpretation added a "contradictory". mufrodiyahnya certainly possible meanings tend to its original meaning, but in understanding the language more broadly in terms Ma'aani Science (science that studies the meaning of the sentence) is certainly more widespread if we dig kedasarnya.

Almighty Allah who has created everything in pairs, dim'nai anything to the contrary, among the forms of the sentence:

(1). Sentence Mukhosis Talajum (certain necessity)
example: Heaven / Earth, Heaven / Hell, Male / Female, Male / Female, Day / Night, Good / Poor, Poor / Rich, On / Off, Health / Hospital, On / Off, Light / Dark, Motion / Mute, Open / Close, Hot / Cold, Right / Left, Up / Down, Young / Old, Busy / Casual, Far / Near, Front / Rear, Forward / Reverse, Clever / Stupid, Moving / Mute, and other examples.

(2). Sentence Goir Mukhosis (Not Sure),
example, Eat / No Eat, Drink / No Drinking, Seeing / Not Seeing, Working / Not Working, Praying / No Prayer, Zakat / No Zakat, Fasting / Not fasting, Hajj / not fulfill, and other examples,

(3). And other forms of sentence.

Of the many existing life on earth that Azwaajan (pairs) only five are considered sufficient to complement its entirety:
1. Your life before your death comes,
2. Poor riches before you came,
3. Your youth before your parents come,
4. Your health comes before your pain and,
5. Free mu mu Busy time before it comes,

REMEMBER: 5 X 2 = 10, ten (10) this position will come to us, and we again experienced even one of the Ten (10) of five (5) was, among others;
- (-After Life),
- (-Again Rich for the Rich / Poor-More for the Poor),
- (Young Again-for the young / old-More for the Old),
- (-More Healthy for a Healthy /-More Pain for the Sick),
- (-More flexibility for the free /-for the Busy Busy Again).

Now back kediri each!, Whatever we wear, the Shari'a has been clear picture ... Thorikat as are many ... The nature and grasping prove buahkan ma'rifat!. Prompts clearly devoted, as was proved thanks!.

Whatever we learn the actual piety, grateful as they are, and confess the truth and mutual respect with each other, insha Allah, may reach the afterlife are all happy. Aamiin!

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