Ass. Wb. Wb. Excess Humans are born with their use Intellect born power benefits (kemampun to understand something), in the language of the Qur'an: "Laallakum Yatafakkaruuna", meaning the All-Knowing Allah: "In order for you all to think it all", meaning lugot: our levels use our brains to comprehend and understand something.
Occurrence if we receive any. Essentially all of Allah.
The form:
1). Tafkir Ilhami (understand something without giving any reason to know) thought directly from Allah SWT ", the example we have not learned how jima (insert action parji dzakar to / received from dzakar cunt with because legally married), style and his actions do not learn, or suddenly we could think something that was totally incomprehensible and others.
2). Fikir Sirry (Understanding something is never given out by other people for trying to follow the continuity pointer), example: We do not know a blog, we try tetpi diblog continue to follow the rules, can understand it like this, and for this, if you want to appear there is a rotating photograph continuously try / peraktek, oh this must be put and the other, with no teacher but there are no clues, we can do it.
3. Fikir Dzikri (Understanding sesuati because there are givers know), understands A since been told that this is A and so on.
4. Tafkir Adati (Understanding anything for certain things and ordinary kelaku), such as playing ball with berfikirnya Spectators Players, each one has a sense of why is not this or that and more.
4. Fikir Ghasr: a flash of thought without thinking of the other side with good reason, thought patterns cramped, perfunctory,
5). Aqshal fikr: The principle idea being considered by others. Giving rise to maturity, prudence, discipline, based on science and faith. And many others. Mumkin Fikir expensive and a lot of self, beyond self and the universe and its contents.
Limitation fikir: A little bit and hit Khoto, nisyan (wrong and forget) depending on the care and use. The more widely used with the orderly and dawwam, more pemahman / understanding, more and more stored and lupanya wrong.
Mentasarupkan Fikir with Reality: accepted by finding intrinsic reasons diharuskannya. Examples of why yes morning prayers two rak'ahs and four-rak'ah prayer evening? By staying implement tasyoruf!.
Let us Paki fikir power to achieve the benefits of the next world!
Occurrence if we receive any. Essentially all of Allah.
The form:
1). Tafkir Ilhami (understand something without giving any reason to know) thought directly from Allah SWT ", the example we have not learned how jima (insert action parji dzakar to / received from dzakar cunt with because legally married), style and his actions do not learn, or suddenly we could think something that was totally incomprehensible and others.
2). Fikir Sirry (Understanding something is never given out by other people for trying to follow the continuity pointer), example: We do not know a blog, we try tetpi diblog continue to follow the rules, can understand it like this, and for this, if you want to appear there is a rotating photograph continuously try / peraktek, oh this must be put and the other, with no teacher but there are no clues, we can do it.
3. Fikir Dzikri (Understanding sesuati because there are givers know), understands A since been told that this is A and so on.
4. Tafkir Adati (Understanding anything for certain things and ordinary kelaku), such as playing ball with berfikirnya Spectators Players, each one has a sense of why is not this or that and more.
4. Fikir Ghasr: a flash of thought without thinking of the other side with good reason, thought patterns cramped, perfunctory,
5). Aqshal fikr: The principle idea being considered by others. Giving rise to maturity, prudence, discipline, based on science and faith. And many others. Mumkin Fikir expensive and a lot of self, beyond self and the universe and its contents.
Limitation fikir: A little bit and hit Khoto, nisyan (wrong and forget) depending on the care and use. The more widely used with the orderly and dawwam, more pemahman / understanding, more and more stored and lupanya wrong.
Mentasarupkan Fikir with Reality: accepted by finding intrinsic reasons diharuskannya. Examples of why yes morning prayers two rak'ahs and four-rak'ah prayer evening? By staying implement tasyoruf!.
Let us Paki fikir power to achieve the benefits of the next world!
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